Dua for Heartbreak in Islam, Heartbreak is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words. When someone is loved and in return is betrayed or distanced, a person is shattered from within. But did you know that the pain of heartbreak is also given importance in Islam?
Islam teaches us that heartache can be a test from Allah. This pain can bring us closer to Allah.
Importance of heartache in Islam
In the Quran, Allah says:
“And We will test you with fear and hunger and lack of wealth, life and fruits. And give good news to those who are patient.” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 2:155)
This verse tells us that heartache is also a test from Allah. It is a means to teach us patience and trust.
Treatment of heartache in Islam
How to ask Allah for help
Whenever your heart is broken, first ask Allah for help. He hears and knows everything. Put your troubles before Him and pray.
Teachings on Comforting Heartbreak in Quran and Hadith
Verses in Quran: “He comforts the heart by remembering Allah.” (Surah Ra’ad: 13:28)
Hadith: The Prophet said, “When your heart breaks, remember Allah, He will ease your pain.”
Dua for Heartache
The Importance and Power of Dua
Dua is the greatest cure for the heart. It is the weapon every Muslim can use.

Special Duas that Ease Heartache
“Ya hayyu, ya qayyum, birahmatika astghees. Allahumma ajirni.”
Meaning: “O Alive and Everlasting, help me with Your mercy.”
“Rabbana atina fi dunya hasanah, wa fil aakhirati hasanah, wa kina azabannar.”
These prayers provide peace and relief to the heart.
Patience and Tawakkul (Patience and Trust)
Importance of Patience
It is most important to be patient when the heart is broken. Patience does not mean that you stop crying, but it means that you remain content with the will of Allah.
How to increase faith in Allah?
Recite the Quran daily.
Trust Allah for the solution of your problems.
Avoid negative thoughts and focus on positive things.
Peace of heart through worship
Power of prayer and worship
Prayer gives peace to a person. When the heart is broken, pay more attention to the morning and evening prayers.
Importance of Tahajjud at night
Talk to Allah from your heart in Tahajjud prayers. This is the time when Allah listens to the prayers of his servants the most.

FAQs: Common questions and answers on heartbreak
Question: Is it right to complain to Allah for a broken heart Is it right?
Answer: No, but you can share your pain with Allah. Don’t complain, but pray for help.
Question: Does heartache ever end?
Answer: Yes, every wound heals with time and prayers. Have faith in Allah.
Question: Is it necessary to forgive?
Answer: Yes, forgiving soothes your heart and brings you closer to Allah.
Question: When and how to pray Tahajjud Namaaz?
Answer: It is prayed in the last part of the night. Perform wudu, offer two to four rak’at namaaz, and talk to Allah from your heart.
Question: Is it easy to start afresh after heartbreak?
Answer: It may seem difficult in the beginning, but faith in Allah and belief in yourself makes it easier.
Conclusion, Dua for Heartbreak in Islam
In Islam, heartbreak is not considered just a pain, but a test and a way to get closer to Allah. Whenever your heart breaks, ask Allah for help, pray, and be patient. Remember, there is relief after every pain.